Though my quest to discover the most beautiful race is still in full swing, one disturbing question has been bothering me for quite some time, and it is, who's God is the right God?
There are so many different views on religion and the view that I am often bombarded with is the Christian view point. I was raised a Christian believing in all the Christian values, but as I grew older and began to think for myself, some Christian ideologies did not make any sense to me. And my understanding of the Christian faith became even more convoluted when I heard the "so-called " Christian believers enforce their view point.
" If you don't believe in the bible you are going to hell"
" You should not condone the homosexual lifestyle, it is a sin. Homosexuals choose to be that way"
" Even if you aren't a Christian, God will appeal to you in your life and try and lead you to believe the Christian faith, it is up to you to accept it"
"The big bang theory is absurd and complete blasphemy"
I cant even begin to tell you how many times I have heard these preposterous things. Is that what religious leaders teach their followers? Is that why gay marriage is illegal in so many states in America ? If I came up to you and told you to change your faith, would you? Most wouldn't so why would we expect others to? Is it someones fault if they don't believe in the same religion as you? And if not, why would they be punished for that? Why would individuals choose to be gay ? Doesn't science prove religion and religion prove science?!
Isn't every religion and every type of God the right God!?
Stay posted for more on my theory on religion.
All that glitters, is not gold.